WWAW going soft while inside of a lady?

So I haven't been laid in like 3 years and I got this 10/10 chinawoman who's in love with me (She's a Leo, I'm an Aries, our sexual pairing is of a cosmic scope)

Anyways I hadn't jerked off for a solid week before trying to fuck her this last weekend but my dick wasn't getting fully erect, we tried like 5 times. I was able to successfully fuck her for about 5 minutes while maybe 3/5ths hard (which is at least double her previous lovers [she's only ever dated mandarin speakers ;) if you catch my drift]) before she eventually said "I'm thinking something but you'll think I'm crazy. I want you to cum inside of me." and I lost my boner again.
And this is after her initially saying how she never wants kids and that we can't fuck without a condom but you know your boy Wyyz has game.

Are there any natural remedies I should start doing now before next weekend?
I ordered some Bluechew EXPIDITED SHIPPING as a precaution, is it safe to take multiple of those or will one be good (My cock is 6 inches erect FYI)

Thanks for the help fellas, things are really looking up for me at the current moment except my cock :(


I want a little Saigon slit myself but aren’t they awful in bed?
Really? Got the 2 Nazi's downvoting me for racemixing?

How do you know I'm not chinky too?