WWAW Ghislaine Maxwell's upcoming suicide


I was chest-bumped, alroight!

Sounds like the red light on her jail cell camera is gonna stop blinking soon.

She was found guilty of trafficking children a whole 167 days ago...yet nobody knows who her clients were. :fighter_sm:


someone who fears being suicided looks like a ghost. Her whole trial she had this arrogant yet casual expression. Its a sham. Does she even exist? Is she even real? Fuck it.


She was synthesized by the HAARP system.
Seriously. Someone who fears for their lives...is reduced to skin and bones and becomes a mental mess.

Nobody got suicided. Not Epstein, nor will she. They are fictional characters. But you guys have a cathartic need for 'stories' like a trafficking ring being busted etc.


Still spreading the O&A virus
She was found guilty of trafficking children a whole 167 days ago...yet nobody knows who her clients were. :fighter_sm:
We already know who her clients are. Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Prince Andrew and a bunch of other CEOs and politicians. These guys know that they are safe. The Mossad and CIA would rather have incriminating evidence on them so that they can use them as puppets forever. Rather than lose them all at once.


I don’t get why she didn’t use her money to get away. Why allow herself to be captured? Unless they’re just going to fake the suicide and then exfiltrate her to Israel.


Still spreading the O&A virus
I don’t get why she didn’t use her money to get away. Why allow herself to be captured? Unless they’re just going to fake the suicide and then exfiltrate her to Israel.
Drug lords get captured. Saddam got captured. You cannot outrun the CIA/JSOC if they really want you. Likely she will get the fake death treatment like Epstein and go to Israel or Dubai to live out her life after plastic surgery to disguise her (kike) face).