WWAW getting a degree in your 30s?


Massachusetts State Senator

Are you excited about the coursework?
I may just be coping with being a chronic under achiever in my 30s. I've always had a job but never a career and I'm not coordinated enough to do most trades. I'm actually comfortable with the money I make and I don't struggle financially but I do struggle with feeling like an unaccomplished loser.


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
I may just be coping with being a chronic under achiever in my 30s. I've always had a job but never a career and I'm not coordinated enough to do most trades. I'm actually comfortable with the money I make and I don't struggle financially but I do struggle with feeling like an unaccomplished loser.
Yeah if you don't have a passion for something pursuing a degree seems like punishment.

Go take a discovery flight at your local airport, see if you want to learn to fly.


5foot9 and an attitude
If you're going to get a specialized degree and use it to get a specific job then go right ahead. If it's just a case of "I want to accomplish something" or "I'm bored and want to learn" there are lots more cost effective, fulfilling ways to do it. Don't fall for the idea that just because Pat is a dropout that all people who didn't go to uni/college are like that .I got a degree at the normal time and have never used it once, and I'm basically an idiot.


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
If you're going to get a specialized degree and use it to get a specific job then go right ahead. If it's just a case of "I want to accomplish something" or "I'm bored and want to learn" there are lots more cost effective, fulfilling ways to do it.

I'd agree with that. I've considered doing a degree before just for the accomplishment of getting it rather than for career purposes and when I think about the time and cost it'd take, it doesn't make any sense, especially with so many good resources out there for self-learning now.

There's also the fact that if there wasn't a well paid career waiting for you at the end of it, there's every chance your motivation would wane significantly over time.


I may just be coping with being a chronic under achiever in my 30s. I've always had a job but never a career and I'm not coordinated enough to do most trades. I'm actually comfortable with the money I make and I don't struggle financially but I do struggle with feeling like an unaccomplished loser.
Getting a degree isn’t an accomplishment in 2023, any retard with $20k and a computer can get one. Save your fucking money, it won’t make you feel any better.