WWAW Gender neutral toilets


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I was in Five Guys today and they have these single cubicles anyone can use. However, it's only got a toilet that's so small the rim is near my shin. I'm not circumcised so I figured if I piss in this I am just going to spray it everywhere and it will be really disgusting for the next person. So I pissed in the sink instead.
Do you think its right that gender neutral toilets don't have urinals?


I was in Five Guys today and they have these single cubicles anyone can use. However, it's only got a toilet that's so small the rim is near my shin. I'm not circumcised so I figured if I piss in this I am just going to spray it everywhere and it will be really disgusting for the next person. So I pissed in the sink instead.
Do you think its right that gender neutral toilets don't have urinals?
Do you not know how to pull back your foreskin and aim your gross dick?


Get up here and shut up!
I was in Five Guys today and they have these single cubicles anyone can use. However, it's only got a toilet that's so small the rim is near my shin. I'm not circumcised so I figured if I piss in this I am just going to spray it everywhere and it will be really disgusting for the next person. So I pissed in the sink instead.
Do you think its right that gender neutral toilets don't have urinals?
Sounds like you were in the kids bathroom


Reminder: Vincent D'Onofrio blocked Patrick
I made my way to the bathroom at this bar last week and the signs on the doors had the Male stick figure, female stick figure, a space alien and some other shit on it. I was half in the bag so it took me a second to realize what I was looking at before an employee just told me to use any bathroom.

It's the performative nature of it that I found annoying. "Look how accepting we are!" So tryhard that they're unintentionally comparing trannies to inhuman beings from outer space. Just remove the sign all together or have the normal M/F sign they've had for decades already. No need to be such a cutesy faggot about it.


Pay attention to how nervous I am
i treat all public restrooms equally





I made my way to the bathroom at this bar last week and the signs on the doors had the Male stick figure, female stick figure, a space alien and some other shit on it. I was half in the bag so it took me a second to realize what I was looking at before an employee just told me to use any bathroom.

It's the performative nature of it that I found annoying. "Look how accepting we are!" So tryhard that they're unintentionally comparing trannies to inhuman beings from outer space. Just remove the sign all together or have the normal M/F sign they've had for decades already. No need to be such a cutesy faggot about it.
cant wait for a street shitter to do what they do...


Human garbage
I was in Five Guys today and they have these single cubicles anyone can use. However, it's only got a toilet that's so small the rim is near my shin. I'm not circumcised so I figured if I piss in this I am just going to spray it everywhere and it will be really disgusting for the next person. So I pissed in the sink instead.
Do you think its right that gender neutral toilets don't have urinals?
Take your anteater dick and hit the bricks