WWAW Forrest Gump


Didn’T LisTen
It’s a masterpiece for retards and completely unbelievable as a story, but still thoroughly entertaining, despite all the sappy Disney stank on it.
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Maybe the most reactionary, right-wing movie ever to win Best Picture. I know that Blackpilled nut on youtube had a different take but he's wrong and I'm right.

Break it down. Good ol boy Forrest never questions shit and just does what his mama, coach, drill sergeant, lieutenant Dan et al tell him to do and he drifts from stunning success to stunning success.

Meanwhile rebellious, shiftless, anti-conformist deadbeat Jenny tries to forget her own path and as a result vacillates from abuse to scandal to drug abuse to domestic violence to loserdom and early death. Not exactly a subtle message.
The Ryder Cup has about the same pacing and depth of story as Forrest Gump. Both you feel good at the end, few bits happening in the middle but its not really essential if you tap out for a smoke at any point.


The Ryder Cup has about the same pacing and depth of story as Forrest Gump. Both you feel good at the end, few bits happening in the middle but its not really essential if you tap out for a smoke at any point.
Never thought I'd see Forrest Gump compared to the Ryder Cup...


You will never see my penis
This video is worth watching and will ruin Forrest Gump for you. It's a very Jewish movie.

The film suggests people had no free will. And therefore it undermines society because people have no choice but to fall for that suggestion!

That guy is a faggot... His disdain for single mothers cracked me up.