WWAW fat people falling?


The Backbone of America
I saw a fat kid on a bike get hit by a car once and it was literally the hardest I ever laughed. He was flying down the sidewalk and there was a car coming out of an alley just as he was riding past it. The guy honked before he even drove out of the alley but the fat kid didn't hear it because he had headphones in. He didn't hit him hard, but he got him right in the leg hard enough that he ate shit. The guy got out of the car and was like "HOLY FUCK! ARE YOU OKAY?" and the kid just fumbled to put his headphones back in and gave the guy like a "how are ya" head nod, got back on his bike and fucked off. Like it happens to him all the time. The guy stood there shocked for a minute and then noticed the bike cracked his bumper and he was like "Oh, NICE." I was just on the other side of the street with my buddy hunched over, unable to breathe laughing. The kid looked like Chris Griffin. Dopey fat kid with long blond hair.

Jesse Ventura

Access to the debates
This fat kid I went to school with decided to drink apple sauce right out of a glass jar as we were leaving his house. He put roller blades on and had a fairly steep driveway. So he’s chugging apple sauce as he starts rolling down the driveway but then hits a lip in the sidewalk and goes flying in the full Superman pose. The jar shatters in front of him and he landed in the broken glass as the momentum carried his fat body and he slides through it all. His arm was cut up to all hell and the cuts were all coated in apple sauce. He showed up at school the next day looking like his arm got caught in a lawn mower.


Which way?! Medium or well done?
Saw a fat woman in a burqa trip and fall in Saudi Arabia, it was kinda hot seeing her huge ass jiggle as she slammed onto the pavement.
When Muslim women from all over go to Mecca, can they dress like they do in London or do they have to robe up?

A Pakistani In my office who never wore hijab or anything went on hajj and came back all tricked out in the garb and coverings. Was kind of jarring for someone you'd seen in western attire every day to make that drastic change in her 40s


When Muslim women from all over go to Mecca, can they dress like they do in London or do they have to robe up?

A Pakistani In my office who never wore hijab or anything went on hajj and came back all tricked out in the garb and coverings. Was kind of jarring for someone you'd seen in western attire every day to make that drastic change in her 40s
You have to wear the "ihram" about 100 miles from Mecca (men clip hair, and white robes...women in plain hijab). There's these transit points/pit stops that the pilgrims change up from their civilian attires to Hajj attire.



[URL unfurl="true"]https://www.hajinformation.com/main/e101.htm[/URL]