WWAW Falling Down?


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
Watched it all the way through at last after watching the clips on YT for all those years.

Very enjoyable movie although the subplot with Robert Duvall and his annoying fuck of a wife and that stupid hispanic detective he loves for some reason were very annoying.

Any of the scenes with Michael Douglas were great though.


"seveny fiiiiii ceeeeeennn. Don't they have 'V's' in China??"

Tell 'em Mike!
Very enjoyable movie although the subplot with Robert Duvall and his annoying fuck of a wife and that stupid hispanic detective he loves for some reason were very annoying.
Perfect synopsis. That subplot was seriously annoying and kind of gay, but the great scenes in the movie make up for it. The scene in the army/navy surplus store is fucking awesome. "They're great for STOMPING QUEERS!".

CuntFucker .

Danny Doll Eyes
I like the movie well enough, and I even liked Devon Stack’s analysis of it

That being said, he’s kind of a fag and Day of the Rope reads like a Walmart Turner Diaries.
lol, I listened to his stream on HBO's West Memphis Three documentaries. He complained about being banned from Amazon. I didn't expect his book had a title like that.