WWAW Ezra Miller?

Capeshit is gay, except for the ones with Brie Larson because she makes retards wanna kill themselves, so just make her the new Flash and that'll fix all the problems.

Also apparently they were banking the entire future of the franchise on this dogshit Flash movie from what I hear. So even if he wasn't (((chosen))) they had their fortunes tied to this anyway. So he's really got 'em good.


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
I read he uses that pronoun shit to call out intolerance and shit whenever he gets busted for his faggotry behavior.

Still a manlet faggot I’d love to see get ((cancelled))
And the Jew choked some random fan approaching him. I wish a motherfucker would. It'd be worth going to jail to DDT this pedo faggot on a curb
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I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
The Controversy and Legal Issues section of "their" Wikipedia is pretty hilarious.






I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
The allegation is "homophobic," because he's a complete fag, so it's expected of zir to act like a complete fag (catty comments over makeup)? Wanting him to not act like a faggot is "homophobic?" LOL. Okay.


I have a face like a shovel
Capeshit is gay, except for the ones with Brie Larson because she makes retards wanna kill themselves
I agree with all of this

real comic book people don't care about movie/tv capeshit because that's normie shit anyway so who cares if some nigga who looks like Jeremy from the Quartering gets his feelings hurt

Jewish Tranny
i opened this thread not knowing if it was gonna be more anti-Semitic, or Homophobic

funny- if it wasn't for his (((last name))) he could pass for goyim


Still spreading the O&A virus
I read he uses that pronoun shit to call out intolerance and shit whenever he gets busted for his faggotry behavior.

Still a manlet faggot I’d love to see get ((cancelled))
In his arrests the police at first always call him "sir". And he freaks out and starts screaming about he is a "they" and "them" and that he "knows THEIR rights!!". Like that one maniac in the Gamestop who said "it's MAAAM!!" before trashing the store. He sounds like that person just even more mentally unhinged and off kilter.

But this kike cannot get canceled unless he does something to another kike. Jews always defends jews unless they wrong another jew. Bernie Madoff went against the tacit agreement that these roaches have when he started defrauding powerful jews and jewish owned business. If he had just defrauded non-jews he would have been protected.

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
I agree with all of this

real comic book people don't care about movie/tv capeshit because that's normie shit anyway so who cares if some nigga who looks like Jeremy from the Quartering gets his feelings hurt

i opened this thread not knowing if it was gonna be more anti-Semitic, or Homophobic

funny- if it wasn't for his (((last name))) he could pass for goyim
His last name is Miller. That's an English/Irish/Scottish surname.