WWAW eating McDonalds and shitting it out immediately afterwards

Every time I eat McDonalds it has a laxative effect on me as I have to take a shit immediately afterwards. That's a sign that it's healthy food and is good for your wellbeing, right?

Don't believe me? I'm taking a shit as we speak after eating it. Here's a picture to proof it:

Every time I eat McDonalds it has a laxative effect on me as I have to take a shit immediately afterwards. That's a sign that it's healthy food and is good for your wellbeing, right?

Don't believe me? I'm taking a shit as we speak after eating it. Here's a picture to proof it:

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The autist in me is more horrified at the pool hose they have set up to expel shit from that toilet. I also never got the logic behind toilet plumbing going upward.


I think that only happens if a Haitian who doesn't wash their hands after shitting, and doesn't wear gloves while preparing your quarter pounder, makes it

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
McDonald's doesn't do that but, Christ, give me a few slices of Papa John's or Pizza But and I'm blowing brownies out the back hole. Domino's and other pizza joints (read: real pizza joints) don't have the same effect.