WWAW eastbound and down


Still spreading the O&A virus
Good but I liked Vice Principals more.
Vice Principals is a better show for sure. But the thing with Eastbound is that you need to understand that none of it is real. The entire show takes place inside of the mind of Kenny Powers. He is sitting at his computer typing out his movie and imagining it in his head. Hence the insane stuff like blowing out a dude's eye and him joining a biker gang. The crazy Apocalypto cannonball scene. Kenny going to Mexico and becoming a cockfighter and banging some singer. It is all just hilarious stuff he made up for his autobiography.

If you look at the word document he is typing the number of pages are basically the number of episodes or something like that. What you are watching is the first draft of his retarded insane movie about his life filled with obvious lies and exaggerated stories. He is basically writing his own life over in his movie script and we see his imagination run wild with it.

When they showed Stevie in his movie as someone with Down's syndrome I laughed harder than I ever had in my life.

Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
Vice Principals is a better show for sure. But the thing with Eastbound is that you need to understand that none of it is real. The entire show takes place inside of the mind of Kenny Powers. He is sitting at his computer typing out his movie and imagining it in his head. Hence the insane stuff like blowing out a dude's eye and him joining a biker gang. The crazy Apocalypto cannonball scene. Kenny going to Mexico and becoming a cockfighter and banging some singer. It is all just hilarious stuff he made up for his autobiography.

If you look at the word document he is typing the number of pages are basically the number of episodes or something like that. What you are watching is the first draft of his retarded insane movie about his life filled with obvious lies and exaggerated stories. He is basically writing his own life over in his movie script and we see his imagination run wild with it.

When they showed Stevie in his movie as someone with Down's syndrome I laughed harder than I ever had in my life.
didn't we have this same conclusion in the Barry thread?

Smeckler's Powder

Sweet powder eases the pain
some of the biggest laughs ever. I do like Vice Principals more but I'm pretty sure the biggest laughs in EBAD outweigh it.

Ya'll niggas like Gemstones or does it get ruined by having John Goodman in it?


some of the biggest laughs ever. I do like Vice Principals more but I'm pretty sure the biggest laughs in EBAD outweigh it.

Ya'll niggas like Gemstones or does it get ruined by having John Goodman in it?
It started good but really turned shitty like just about every TV show in the past 20 years. Also why would John Goodman ruin something?


mask fag that stayed on Rosannes show like a cuck
Lost some literal and figurative weight, got paid.



I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
It started good but really turned shitty like just about every TV show in the past 20 years. Also why would John Goodman ruin something?
VPs benefited from being limited to 2 seasons. Otherwise stuff like who shot Neil would have either been dragged out way too long or been resolved too early and the show just plodding on with no real drama. I just rewatched it and definitely picked up on more things. I'm pretty confident lee Russell is a deeply closeted gay guy. The first time around I thought he might be but it could just be a humorous coincidence
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