WWAW dead parents?



Trying to tell my dad I dont hate him before he passes but it's just so gay. I asked him for a hug once when I was a kid and he called me a faggot. It's a tough one...

I told my mom I love her recently and she told me to stop being a sissy.

My parents are why I am the way I am.

That’s terrible. They never showed you any genuine affection?


That’s terrible. They never showed you any genuine affection?
Not sure. They looked after me, and provided for me. Thats more than a lot of parents.

It pisses me off faggot s tomlinson still has parents alive in their 80s.


Massachusetts State Senator
Not sure. They looked after me, and provided for me. Thats more than a lot of parents.

It pisses me off faggot s tomlinson still has parents alive in their 80s.
Maturity is realizing your parents were people and unless you were abused they probably did the best they could. I'm 32 and there is no way I could raise kids--my parents had 3 by the time they were 32.


Maturity is realizing your parents were people and unless you were abused they probably did the best they could. I'm 32 and there is no way I could raise kids--my parents had 3 by the time they were 32.
Yeah exactly I dont know how they did it. I'm 32 as well... so let's see. When my dad was 32 he was yelling at me for crying and telling me to stop being a pussy. I can respect that in retrospect. I'd tell my son to quit being a faggot as well.


Yeah exactly I dont know how they did it. I'm 32 as well... so let's see. When my dad was 32 he was yelling at me for crying and telling me to stop being a pussy. I can respect that in retrospect. I'd tell my son to quit being a faggot as well.

Discouraging your children to show emotion is a pretty terrible thing to do imo. It’s ok to cry. Strong men also cry.



It's okay to let it all out, brothermen. Don't wanna end up like a swishy wop in an apartment on Long Island, spitting on your own floor at 3 in the morning. Remember what Hayley says, guys!



Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
WWAW my arch-nemesis witnessed his deranged dad shoot his mom and sister dead, and I use this knowledge to taunt him?
You have a arch-nemesis?
