WWAW da non alcoholic beer


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
Sure, call me a faggot, but sometimes I enjoy them when I want a beer but don’t want to run the risk of getting that perfect two beer buzz.

I like it especially on Sunday afternoons when I go for a walk, when I’m coming home from work midweek, or when I’m on holiday and don’t feel like popping a beer before 5pm. It has its purpose, at least for me.



Just order a cranberry juice
It's a natural diuretic. My girlfriend drinks it when she's got her period. Whaddaya got your period?



I took a break from drinking and would have them (nice willpower, stupid) during that time. No shit, they really can give you a phantom buzz and this is coming from an almost Patso level drinker. Maybe it's just the taste or whatever but not a bad substitute if you're wanting to avoid a serious hangover. But they are loaded with even more carbs than regular beer and you do feel like a fag drinking them after a while.


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
I took a break from drinking and would have them (nice willpower, stupid) during that time. No shit, they really can give you a phantom buzz and this is coming from an almost Patso level drinker. Maybe it's just the taste or whatever but not a bad substitute if you're wanting to avoid a serious hangover. But they are loaded with even more carbs than regular beer and you do feel like a fag drinking them after a while.
Yeah, it’s not like I drink them all the time. Just a taste from time to time. 9 times out of 10, I’ll just get a beer. If I don’t feel like drinking but want to sit in a terrace or something, I’ll get a non alcoholic drink and enjoy it.