WWaW da Blues Brothers?



Loved it as a kid. Does it hold up? Haven't seen it in ages.


Blue Brothers doing Soul Man will always remind me of my dad and my uncle Roger. My dad has 11 siblings and the whole family used to get together every year a few weeks before Christmas. They'd rent the clubhouse at this private lake/golf course in NW Illinois and do a potluck dinner then big fat Uncle Larry would dress up as Santa and pay the kids a visit, and there would always be a long list of people who would get up and sing or tell jokes or read poetry. Mostly bad singing though.

One year my dad and uncle Roger dressed up exactly like them including the whole briefcase/handcuff/harmonica thing and did a pretty good imitation of the Blues Brothers doing Soul Man. Somewhere at my parents' house there's a tape of it that hopefully still works so it can be digitized.


Great food
Awesome movie, one of my favorites. Its really a charming movie, I don't know how anyone wouldn't like it, it even has nazis!