WWAW da aids being a myth (for heteros)



Think about all your friends or anybody you’ve ever known, how many of them have aids?

There’s never been a case of contracting hiv/aids through straight vaginal sex that I know of

It’s spread either through gay sex in the bussy or junkies sharing needles

So really the worst that can happen when you go raw is the clap or syphillis, which are both gone in two weeks with antibiotics

Basically, eazy e got fucked in the ass by a thug.
Nice t-cell count, stupid.


Only person I ever knew of IRL that supposedly had it was a Vietnam vet smack addict. I've heard the argument that what really breaks down the immune system is the degenerate behavior, which is why those two groups in particular seem to suffer from it more. Your body isn't meant for either of those activities. The fact that Dr. Fagchi was involved with the response to it in the 80's raises some red flags. He was killing homos en masse with the disastrous AZT solution, which should've clued people in that he was a snake oil salesman when COVID came around.


Specifically a quarter retarded
Can straight guys get aids from buttfucking chick's?
Cause that's AIDS right? Dirty, bloody buttfucking into fecal matter? Seems like it should be possible but I don't know, buttfucking IS gay


Can straight guys get aids from buttfucking chick's?
Cause that's AIDS right? Dirty, bloody buttfucking into fecal matter? Seems like it should be possible but I don't know, buttfucking IS gay

I’m convinced people only like anal or ass to mouth because of crippling porn addiction

I’ll dabble around the asshole if she is 69ing but i dont get the novelty of putting your finger or dick where the shit comes from
Especially if it’s flavia and she eats beans and drinks espresso like it’s her actual, full time job.

Im sorry you have to fuck that for the next 30 years, dan


Can straight guys get aids from buttfucking chick's?
Cause that's AIDS right? Dirty, bloody buttfucking into fecal matter? Seems like it should be possible but I don't know, buttfucking IS gay
Could be caused by staying up five nights in a row and running through 30 guys' assholes. I dunno though... Rumor has it that hiv hasn't been proven to be the cause of aids.


I’m convinced people only like anal or ass to mouth because of crippling porn addiction
That's definitely true. I've also heard a theory that there's brain parasites that get into people's systems when they interact with human shit. It's very similar to the way that cat shit can cause toxoplasmosis in cat ladies. Supposedly it's part of the driving force that makes people crave that stuff. Haven't done any follow up research on it, but it makes sense to me. Why are modern people so obsessed with cornholes when it's objectively a disgusting place to put your dick or mouth?


Could be caused by staying up five nights in a row and running through 30 guys' assholes. I dunno though... Rumor has it that hiv hasn't been proven to be the cause of aids.
Patso's favorite band used to be "AIDS denialists" ironically enough. Piggy could benefit from the Vito diet.
[URL unfurl="true"]https://medium.com/the-monthly/the-foo-fighters-aids-denialism-should-be-on-the-record-6e33666fdc3c[/URL]