WWAW "Cumtown"

Former Prez Gerald Ford

Come over and we’ll have nachos. And some beer.
I’ve tried to give them a chance because even though they’re so hateable now I still miss the mid 2000s O&A vibe and have been trying to find something that comes close to it. Cumtown ain’t it. I’ve only listened to clips on YouTube but they couldn’t even elicit a forced chuckle out of me. I’m ready to give up on modern entertainment altogether, everything is hot garbage now.


Some Pre-2020 clips are great.
Tried listening some recent full shows, they sucked.


I would be embarrassed to admit I listened to anything called “Cum Town.” What 12 year old came up with that name?


Reminder: Vincent D'Onofrio blocked Patrick
That laugh is a deal breaker for me. It could be the funniest shit on the planet and I'm still not willing to endure that shit for an hour at a time.

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
That laugh is a deal breaker for me. It could be the funniest shit on the planet and I'm still not willing to endure that shit for an hour at a time.
Patrice had the laugh from hell, but he made up for it by making me laugh. But Stavros isn't funny. I want to shove a Doric column down his throat when he starts with that cackle.