WWAW Comfy Shoes


"He's ducking through the alleys!"
Like dumb fucking Bobo I used to be a fan of Hush Puppies, but nowadays they seem whatever to be honest with ya. My Adidas/Nike sneakers feel rather comfy. Though at one point I did fall for the Ultraboost shit, that was a whole lot of hype for nothing really special.

Mitch Weaver

Wave bye bye, staIker


All about them. From 6-18 I went to schools that had uniforms, that meant lace up brogues 5 days a week. A break for uni and then went straight into a careeer that required a suit and Oxfords or loafers. Pretty much left that world in 2018 and now only wear Adidas or driving shoes, unless I have a meeting or go to a nice restaurant/event.