WWAW child labor

IMO some sort of compulsory work/public service program for 14-18 year olds might not be a bad idea. It might somewhat counteract the niggerish element that's crept into popular culture and turned young people into embarrassing, face tattooed wigger faggots and fat bottomed whores. Picking up litter, cutting weeds, cleaning the kitchens and bathrooms at their schools, that sort of thing. Then you take the non-participants and the lazy and ship them off to remote boot camp-style schools, where they'll be forced to remain until they can successfully pass a literacy/general knowledge exam of some kind. They simply wouldn’t have the time or the energy to eat xanax bars and experiment with their gender.


IMO some sort of compulsory work/public service program for 14-18 year olds might not be a bad idea. It might somewhat counteract the niggerish element that's crept into popular culture and turned young people into embarrassing, face tattooed wigger faggots and fat bottomed whores. Picking up litter, cutting weeds, cleaning the kitchens and bathrooms at their schools, that sort of thing. Then you take the non-participants and the lazy and ship them off to remote boot camp-style schools, where they'll be forced to remain until they can successfully pass a literacy/general knowledge exam of some kind. They simply wouldn’t have the time or the energy to eat xanax bars and experiment with their gender.
This is a very Heinlein take, to which I will add

“Service Equals Citizenship”