WWAW Cheaters?


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
Been watching a lot of old episodes of this show over the last week, along with To Catch a Predator.

Cheaters is genuinely more entertaining than TCaP, and you don't feel as disgusted with the human race afterwards. Lotsa rib tickling confrontations and lines from this fawking show.

Joey Greco is the gold standard; still synonymous with the show. Clark Gable, rip, was a charisma void who thought gesticulating made for being a good host. The newest host, some ghetto dude who calls each episode "lit", is unwatchable.


Been watching a lot of old episodes of this show over the last week, along with To Catch a Predator.

Cheaters is genuinely more entertaining than TCaP, and you don't feel as disgusted with the human race afterwards. Lotsa rib tickling confrontations and lines from this fawking show.

Joey Greco is the gold standard; still synonymous with the show. Clark Gable, rip, was a charisma void who thought gesticulating made for being a good host. The newest host, some ghetto dude who calls each episode "lit", is unwatchable.
I didn’t know Clark died until I saw your post. I remember being in a hotel room with some friends making fun of him when we caught a marathon. Thoughts and Prayers
Never liked it. Always struck me as staged, even if it apparently (at least some of it) wasn't. Every episode seemed like the Maury paternity episodes where the entire run up was just an excuse to show a chimp out at the end, but every chimp out was exactly the same. TCAP may have been run into the ground by "the community", making it no longer the cleanest, best pleasure, but unaltered episodes are still television gold imo.


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
Nice wasting your life, stupid
Words hurt, Harry. You're not wrong, though.

Never liked it. Always struck me as staged, even if it apparently (at least some of it) wasn't. Every episode seemed like the Maury paternity episodes where the entire run up was just an excuse to show a chimp out at the end, but every chimp out was exactly the same. TCAP may have been run into the ground by "the community", making it no longer the cleanest, best pleasure, but unaltered episodes are still television gold imo.
Yeah, the TCaP fan base is Reddit personified. I do enjoy the guy on YT who edits videos with sound bites of the decoy reacting with "Jeez!" and "Oh dang!".


Charming, funny, and witty, atalker.
Never liked it. Always struck me as staged, even if it apparently (at least some of it) wasn't. Every episode seemed like the Maury paternity episodes where the entire run up was just an excuse to show a chimp out at the end, but every chimp out was exactly the same. TCAP may have been run into the ground by "the community", making it no longer the cleanest, best pleasure, but unaltered episodes are still television gold imo.

I love everything about Cheaters, other than it's fake.

Joey Greco is great. Imagine being caught cheating on your wife. Cameras are pointing at you. There's a sound guy standing by to catch your reaction too. And as you're getting berated by your missus, some douchebag with glasses approaches you and says in a melodramatic deadpan delivery, "Why did you do it?". My kinda TV.