WWAW Bob from Food Dip?


Let me be clear though, I don't hate the guy. He actually seems like a decent person, even though he's a fat pig. I'd definitely chill with him over that weird bug eyed kid who broke his hip or some shit from a basic fall.


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
Let me be clear though, I don't hate the guy. He actually seems like a decent person, even though he's a fat pig. I'd definitely chill with him over that weird bug eyed kid who broke his hip or some shit from a basic fall.
Nah he's a douche. He was bitching one time because his friend asked to share chicken nuggets and then yelled at his friend for asking him a question during a video.


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
In a weird way I’m jealous of him. It must have its perks, just eating whatever shit food strikes your fancy on a given day, and having no shame about it whatsoever.