WWAW being semi-'jealous' of anyone with only a surface level knowledge of Opie Anthony references?


It could be worse. At least you weren't a subscriber to Compound Media. Were you?



I have a face like a shovel
I think I can do the last one. Then I'll finally be happy...
here's the rub with the moustache back in my grandfather's time- I think in his culture men weren't allowed to grow moustaches unless they:
1) served in the war
2) have kids

it wasn't a written rule (obviously) but more like tacit understanding amongst gentlemen


I have a face like a shovel
Just accept you’ll never be happy and fill the dark void with gregg tony and james since you’re too far gone to find a women and start a family just spend the next 2 final decades filling your day with hedonistic/carnal pleasures. It doesn’t get better
this answer is duplistious because it can be taken facetiously, or literally, and either way it holds weight