Dusty Dan

Saw the new movie trailer and will probably watch it at some pont. I used to think it was pretty funny back in the day. Whenever I revisit it, I expect it to be shit, but it still kinda holds up and overall I don't think there are too many bad episodes. Probably still my favourite thing Adult Swim has ever put out.



Where you at, dawg?
Never really did much for me but it was pretty integral in carving out Adult Swim's corner of the comedy world so I give it a pass. Plus it seems to pop up in 00's hip-hop stuff I enjoy with surprising regularity.

Dusty Dan

Never really did much for me but it was pretty integral in carving out Adult Swim's corner of the comedy world so I give it a pass. Plus it seems to pop up in 00's hip-hop stuff I enjoy with surprising regularity.
Doom and Quas reference it a few times
The first few seasons rule. If we're going down Adult Swim memory lane, WWAWT Perfect Hair Forever, Superjail, and Assy McGee?
Superjail was the shit. I feel like once it went off the air it got completely erased from everyone consciousness, but I watch downloaded episodes every few months.