WWAW an OnA Forums official clothing line?

Jim Norton’s Wife's Cock

Those breeches will stay open!



be dialin’ folks!


Dan doesn’t have a penis. I. Do.
Outside of a Black Flag T-shirt I had in the 80s, I've never worn graphic t-shirts. Something about seeing a man past the age of mid-20ish wearing a fucking picture on his clothes makes me sick. An old girlfriend once bought me a pair of Wolverine boxer shorts - because I'm bearded, muscular and hairy - and I only wore them when I knew she would be taking them off. Threw them away when we broke up.
I wore underoos as a child and about threw up when I saw they now make them for adults.
No sir, none of that faggotry for this hombre.
Having said that, I would purchase and wear anything that represents Da Forum.