WWAW a nice cold one at the end of the week


Jacques De Gautier
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Former Prez Gerald Ford

Come over and we’ll have nachos. And some beer.
I know it’s gay but im an IPA man. I want something heady and satisfying that will get me where I want to be in less than 6 beers. Drinking a coors light or a bud instead of a good craft brew fills me with the same feeling that a meth addict probably gets when someone offers them cocaine. It just don’t hit the same.


Where we at with the where we at?
I know it’s gay but im an IPA man. I want something heady and satisfying that will get me where I want to be in less than 6 beers. Drinking a coors light or a bud instead of a good craft brew fills me with the same feeling that a meth addict probably gets when someone offers them cocaine. It just don’t hit the same.
Hey brothaman this is a hangggggggg nobody is judging.


Shock Jock
I work weekends so I get to kick off my personal weekend by cracking cold ones during NPS. That must be how families in the ‘40s felt when they gathered around the radio to hear their favorite programs.


I can't drink beers anymore unless it's the summer and I have a pop or two after mowing the lawns or grilling. Nana, Lady Di and Fat are more than enough in the cautionary tale department. Forget about even abusing it like them. That shit is obviously liquid bread that makes you fat. Give me a bourbon or gin on the rocks on a Friday night over that any time.

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
I can't drink beers anymore unless it's the summer and I have a pop or two after mowing the lawns or grilling. Nana, Lady Di and Fat are more than enough in the cautionary tale department. Forget about even abusing it like them. That shit is obviously liquid bread that makes you fat. Give me a bourbon or gin on the rocks on a Friday night over that any time.
Lately I've been working my fawking bawls off physically, and I'll tell ya: it's the perfect shit between needing a drink and not being too hungry. I skip dinners, beer quenches whatever it is that hard work does to you.

Shameless bump, I know.


Where we at with the where we at?
Lately I've been working my fawking bawls off physically, and I'll tell ya: it's the perfect shit between needing a drink and not being too hungry. I skip dinners, beer quenches whatever it is that hard work does to you.

Shameless bump, I know.
Pineapple white claw. It’s hot down here.


Where we at with the where we at?
Yeah, but do you drink 12 of those? With beer, you can, and you forget your problems.
I’ll probably switch to liquor after while. There’s a festival down by me and my mom is watching my kid so it’s time to get a little crazy. I might stay at till 9