Why won't Patrick get a job?


May St. Mel bless you
He can own a home and travel on whatever government fraud/charity has has going on. Why get a real job just to have the same standard of living but pay taxes and have 40 hours less of free time?

Pat needs to go to cons and give a presentation on how to live like him.


Get up here and shut up!
Because he's unskilled and has a bizarre complex that won't allow him to work anywhere that isn't paying at least 100k a year. He's also very unemployable judging by how he handles himself.
No, child. Pat signed away the rights and responsibilities to his daughter on three occasions.
What a complete pos. I hope that daughter grows up to write about her scummy fat absentee father. Patrick needs to be continually harassed for abandoning his daughter…it’s really the most important thing to go after him on. I am surprised Niki isn’t disgusted with him for doing that. Most women have a maternal instinct. She is a scumbag too.