Why is every history-related video on YouTube some wacky annoying faggot like this?


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Don't ever watch history youtube (except for The Great War series and Townsends. Read some good books by historians and go from there. There's so much in history that depends on context and primary sources. It's completely worthless otherwise. Any history book printed since 1945 will tell you that Hitler had a plan to ethnically cleanse the slavs before he did it to the Jews. The term untermensch mostly referred to Poles and Serbs, most of whom weren't even Jewish.

However, what youtuber is going to tell you that. Even The World War 2 got demonetized for making factual statements.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
I hate that one bald faggot with the beard and glasses!!! I forget his stupid youtube name...
This smug british cunt?


I loathe him!


This guy/channel is pretty great.

[URL unfurl="true"]https://youtube.com/c/HistoryTime[/URL]

Films most of the stock footage used himself and has a soothing voice. Great stuff to play in the background.