why does things cost so much? I don't get it?



Its cuz the US Dollar is a Ponzi Scheme.

Wiki definiton of "Ponzi Scheme":
“is a form of fraud which lures investors and pays profits to earlier investors by using funds obtained from more recent investors”

This is how the U.S. government now operates. It loses massive amounts of money every year (i.e. runs at a deficit) and finances it with new debt. When the debt comes due, they “pay profits” to those earlier investors by issuing more debt (i.e. “using funds from more recent investors”).

That is the definition of a Ponzi scheme. We are basically the marks suffering from the inevitable since the US gov't never truly intended to pay the debt off. The dollar, once tied to gold, is now just a confidence game. So in addition to piling on debt that will never be repaid, the government also “prints” massive amounts of money.

The other cause is Inflation. Inflation is on the rise as the US loses the ability to power project and impose the price it feels is apt for commodities. So now other thugs like the Russians and the Chinks have an ability to manipulate commodities and their ability to manipulate will only rise while America's dwindles.