why do most college students end up as pussy ass libtard faggots?


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
It’s always been like this. Old women with silver hair and cucks, academia .
Seriously, one of the biggest faggots online I’ve ever seen (almost at Pat levels), is a “tenured professor” at a small liberal arts college in Iowa. It makes me so happy that every day, he has to wake up in a red state and hate his life.

Small liberal arts colleges are dying, nobody is gonna pay tens of thousands of dollars to go to college in bumfuck Iowa. Nice tenure, stupid. When your college goes under in ten years you’ll be in the job market up against younger candidates. Moreover, as a white man, you’ll be actively rejected from job applicant pools. Nobody will care about your Twitter larping as an “ally” and your other faggotry.

I pray that this dude’s kids grow up to hate their faggot dad whose liberal beliefs have made their world hell.
It's the tail wagging the dog. Young people lean left because they don't work so the idea of financial protection is alluring and the whole college atmosphere reflects that. Once you're older a lot of lefties turn to more conservative views as their tax bills start piling up and crime becomes more of a problem than something you casually engage in. As the old saying goes:

"If you're old and vote left you've got no brains, if you're young and vote right you've got no heart."

Chive Turkey

Erock Army Deserter
Campus institutions play a big part. In the good old days, it was a way for the smart students to network and for the stupid to embrace their tawwwksic frat side. Now it's been subverted into a Bolshevik culture of everyone being encouraged to tow the line, actively participate in pushing the agenda and examining eachother for any hints of wrongthink.

It's becoming increasingly impossible for sensible youngsters to just put their head down and soldier on through the bullshit in order to get that degree. Non-participation is viewed as an implicit admission of guilt and the slightest misstep is grounds for ostracism. It's like living Twitter in the physical world.
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