Why do literal retards like wrestling?

A House Nigger

Zero Nigger Policy.


Which way?! Medium or well done?
This is a question I unironically find interesting and have thought about since 4th grade or so.

I was in elementary/middle school in a poor rural Michigan town during the Austin 3:16 years and Goldberg and Sable etc and remember literal kids with Down's Syndrome wearing the shirts. The cool kids also did.

It was a weird unifying factor. The "coolest" kid in my school and a kid with Down's Syndrome loved the same shit when i was in 6th grade.


This is a question I unironically find interesting and have thought about since 4th grade or so.

I was in elementary/middle school in a poor rural Michigan town during the Austin 3:16 years and Goldberg and Sable etc and remember literal kids with Down's Syndrome wearing the shirts. The cool kids also did.

It was a weird unifying factor. The "coolest" kid in my school and a kid with Down's Syndrome loved the same shit when i was in 6th grade.
Troubled kids usually wore the Stone Cold shirts from what I remembered.


I have a face like a shovel
I've said it before, and I'll say it again

I'm both a Comic book person, and a wrestling fan

Even though Comic book people get stuck with the stereotype of being smelly, fat, and autistic (which they mostly are), they are NOTHING compared to the mouthbreathing trash that is a wrestling fan.

The irony is that when a wrestling fan thinks they're "smart" or, "high brow" because they wear a fucking New Japan shirt, or have a STARDOM account they're actually much more autistic, smelly, and socially awkward.

You should see the trash that goes to those "hip" Bar Wrestling shows in Center Square in Philly......nigga- none ya'll is fooling anyone with your ironic "Mortis" shirt (that isn't even vintage, it's a reprint)- you're as much white trash as the guy who wears a Cena shirt to the mall