Wholesome video of Carol coming out to his dad.


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
One of my friends since grade school came out in college and all of us who knew him were like "yeah, and?"
Best strategy. So many people take pride in how much fucking attention this gets them. It’s really sick. So what, stupid? You’re gay, congrats. As Dr. @CarolMaxheinie aptly pointed out, this is just one part of a person. I can’t believe people make this their entire personality.


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
Best strategy. So many people take pride in how much fucking attention this gets them. It’s really sick. So what, stupid? You’re gay, congrats. As Dr. @CarolMaxheinie aptly pointed out, this is just one part of a person. I can’t believe people make this their entire personality.
Well in his case it was really difficult for him but anyone who knew the guy could btell he was gay years before