who WOULD murder Bernell Trammell?

Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
Based on everything that was given out, it wasn't some common black on black impulse murder, but a planned assassination.
So what is the most likely profile of the mystery murderer?

They would need to hate Bernell for being BLM OR MAGA , or both, not because they hate both but because they hate the juxtaposition of two views they think shouldn't be so closely aligned.

They would need to be terminally online, very vocally political and gay. No person who made a facebook 10 years ago and doesn't use it is going to go out and murder a guy. They'd be blogging(twittering) daily every hour of the day because what they're saying is important and what they do is important.

They would need to be very fluid with their free time. No cup of joe 9-5er is gonna take a day off to kill a guy on a random Thursday July 23rd 2020. They'd probably be unemployed or very close to it and gay.

They would need to be very fat. Based on the video it was a fat guy and he walked all gay and retarded too.

They would need to have bitch-tits like a fat faggot.

