Who the fuck is Dan

The Real Dan Mullen

Hickory dickory dock I sucked Flavia’s cock. Agooo


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
Just got released from prison for my Patrick-related crimes on the old forum. Posted a picture that UHHFFENDED some people. I was a good goy and they let me out early for good behavior and for not joining the Aryan Nation.
Jew alt is a real nigger. Possibly jealous of the Nigger Jim alt's well-deserved success.

Faggot Boqposter

The Alawite Assassin
Who the fuck is Odie & Anthony
Odie and Anthony were a popular shock jock duo who abruptly ended in 2014 when Anthony was fired for going on an antisemitic rant on Twitter. In 2001 they were joined by comedian Jim Norton and eventually the great Sam Roberts who was the real brains and talent of the show. They often performed zany gags, referred to as “blips”. They also often featured a cast of weirdos including Booboo, lady Diane, and atalker Patrick.



With Osteoporosis.
Odie and Anthony were a popular shock jock duo who abruptly ended in 2014 when Anthony was fired for going on an antisemitic rant on Twitter. In 2001 they were joined by comedian Jim Norton and eventually the great Sam Roberts who was the real brains and talent of the show. They often performed zany gags, referred to as “blips”. They also often featured a cast of weirdos including Booboo, lady Diane, and atalker Patrick.

Flavia, get me an AM/FM tuner.
