Who knew some of our very own artists had work on display at the Art Institute of Chicago?


Congrats @HandsomeBlue and @Tony .
Looks like piggy and drinky enjoyed your work.



Stand Alone Fruit
She looks so tired of his shit. Her face it’s screaming UGHHHH! At the fact her 41 year old retard man child husband wants ANOTHER selfie. This is how Niki looks before she’s slammed down a couple beers while being around Pat. Guess the museum didn’t have a bar to take the edge off of having to be around Pat and his shit. The divorce is coming, child.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
I swear he takes these trips just for photos to post on twitter because he thinks it will make him look smart and well traveled. Taking a trip with his wife is secondary. All he can think about is " Oh that will look good on my timeline". He is so preoccupied with twitter that he cant see its a waste of time.