Who is our liaison to KF?



Not that it really matters, but, given that our Blue Ribbon Pig is on pace to land in the top 5 lolcows of all time over there by year's end, can they maybe do something to promote him? Why doesn't he have his own Lolcow Cult page yet? He's still buried in with the other cows, many which have dormant threads.

I don't know how their site is organized past the cow pages, so I don't know what the options are. But we've brought them several warehouses-full-of-pallets-of-ribs these last two years, and I'd like to see some reciprocity.


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
can they maybe do something to promote him?

Tbf Null has done that pretty well. He's featured pig at least once that I've aware of, which brought a lot of new eyes to the hog. He also added 'Torque Wheeler' to the page title as soon as that was discovered (assuming it isn't Caver who changed it) and pig's thread is constantly on the front page of the lolcow section. He's also featured pretty regularly on Mad at the Internet.

Dan was our liaison but his calling as the world's no.1 rubber dog shit salesman was too strong.


Tbf Null has done that pretty well. He's featured pig at least once that I've aware of, which brought a lot of new eyes to the hog. He also added 'Torque Wheeler' to the page title as soon as that was discovered (assuming it isn't Caver who changed it) and pig's thread is constantly on the front page of the lolcow section. He's also featured pretty regularly on Mad at the Internet.

Dan was our liaison but his calling as the world's no.1 rubber dog shit salesman was too strong.
It's constantly on the lolcow section front page because it gets bumped every time someone posts to the thread. That's got nothing to do with Null.

Yes, Caverlock added Toque Wheeler to the title of his thread.

And featuring him on Happenings once or twice because of the lawsuit (which Null only takes an interest in because he was involved in it at one point) was nice, but okay. That was several months back.

I want his picture on the front page of the site.


Nice For Here
Thanks for the kind words, but it's not me. Mr. Moonface is the main guy these days. There are Kiwis who have become major contributors, too, but Moonface is on his own level. I don't know who he is on here. I figured he'd tell me if he wanted me to know.

I'd let the thread get to 1,000 pages before seriously considering asking for a subsection, personally. Also, judging by his own statements, Null likes our community overall, but I think he's very leery about an O&A enclave forming over there, and you can't completely blame him.

Edit: The mods/admin added the Torque Wheeler stuff, and everything after "actual tough guy".

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Clint Ruin

I'm sorry, who are you?
Thanks for the kind words, but it's not me. Mr. Moonface is the main guy these days. There are Kiwis who have become major contributors, too, but Moonface is on his own level. I don't know who he is on here. I figured he'd tell me if he wanted me to know.

I'd let the thread get to 1,000 pages before seriously considering asking for a subsection, personally. Also, judging by his own statements, Null likes our community overall, but I think he's very leery about an O&A enclave forming over there, and you can't completely blame him.

Edit: The mods/admin added the Torque Wheeler stuff, and everything after "actual tough guy".

View attachment 54234
Maybe we just like an excuse to talk up your dick size, buddy