Who here wants to help me write an Anthony Cumia ED Article?

"It's OK, Andy" lisped the bearded queer. "It happens to a lot of guys, it's no big deal. Here, try a blue pill. I got them from India".

Andy sneered in shame and disgust. "This was supposed to be the night" he thought. "And of course, now I can't even get a hard-on. Motherfucking rot bung meat sack COCK!". "Nah, I can't mix it with my heart medication. I'm really sorry, Gav. I mean, I have stuff I can stick up your ass, if you want, but, ah fuck" he sobbed. "And now I'm all pissy-eyed too. I'm just such a USELESS ROT BUNG FUCK COCK! YOUR SISTER'S CUNT!" he blubbered through his veil of tears.

"Oh Andy" said the bearded fruit, "come here. Listen, when I had that cue ball stuck up my ass, who was there for me? When I was faking being hetero and I needed someone to talk to, who was there for me? You were, Andy. You were. Now just relax. Have some beer, and let me see if I can help." Andy took another long swig from his beer bottle as the bearded weirdo's hand disappeared beneath the blanket. With well-practiced, almost innate movements, he grasped Andy's useless, flaccid member, and began expertly tugging.

"Oh! OH! HAHAHAHAHOLEEEEEEEEEEEESHIT! HA HA HA!" squealed Andy, as the blood rushed to his loins. "Oh yeah!" he swishily exclaimed. "I love you, Gavy-Wavy!"

"I love you too, Andy Espresso" the bearded fag giggled, as his head disappeared beneath the blanket.

That's the best Andy Espresso ED piece I can bang out on short notice.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
"It's OK, Andy" lisped the bearded queer. "It happens to a lot of guys, it's no big deal. Here, try a blue pill. I got them from India".

Andy sneered in shame and disgust. "This was supposed to be the night" he thought. "And of course, now I can't even get a hard-on. Motherfucking rot bung meat sack COCK!". "Nah, I can't mix it with my heart medication. I'm really sorry, Gav. I mean, I have stuff I can stick up your ass, if you want, but, ah fuck" he sobbed. "And now I'm all pissy-eyed too. I'm just such a USELESS ROT BUNG FUCK COCK! YOUR SISTER'S CUNT!" he blubbered through his veil of tears.

"Oh Andy" said the bearded fruit, "come here. Listen, when I had that cue ball stuck up my ass, who was there for me? When I was faking being hetero and I needed someone to talk to, who was there for me? You were, Andy. You were. Now just relax. Have some beer, and let me see if I can help." Andy took another long swig from his beer bottle as the bearded weirdo's hand disappeared beneath the blanket. With well-practiced, almost innate movements, he grasped Andy's useless, flaccid member, and began expertly tugging.

"Oh! OH! HAHAHAHAHOLEEEEEEEEEEEESHIT! HA HA HA!" squealed Andy, as the blood rushed to his loins. "Oh yeah!" he swishily exclaimed. "I love you, Gavy-Wavy!"

"I love you too, Andy Espresso" the bearded fag giggled, as his head disappeared beneath the blanket.

That's the best Andy Espresso ED piece I can bang out on short notice.
Please narrate this @The Torquis de Lard!

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