Who do you feel worse for?

Who got the worst of their romantic encounter?

  • Shane Nokes

    Votes: 2 5.1%
  • The butter knife

    Votes: 26 66.7%
  • Paul Weimer is a pedophile

    Votes: 26 66.7%

  • Total voters


Self Styled Brothaman

Uncle Anthony Cumia

Hot tubs, guns and slack jawed brothers
I feel bad for Shane. Imagine the shame he felt sitting at the dinner table with family and being the only one who knows why there's little hairs and dried ketchup on all the biscuits.
That’s the only time he didn’t inhale his dinner and wash it down with a fresh Mountain Dew.

That’s the only time he didn’t inhale his dinner and wash it down with a fresh Mountain Dew.

Dude relax the program is going to survive through your old age. Same with houses, The real fucking you got isn't from boomers, it is from the generation that followed them the dot com assholes that were letting faggots bring dogs to work and gave out shares and shit then turned into sharks. Jeff Bezos and his bookstore in a garage that wrecked the entire retail industry. Vacant shopping malls, the phones and social media that turned kids into trannies and zombies, the kikes and the single giant media conglomerate that pretends to be competitive. You used to blame me, it isn't me brother, there I was the other night stuck in Michigan fixing my own electric at 2 in the morning going back home a day late for a surgery I had today in Canada (with my shitty health care) because fucking electricians are so fucking lazy they don't call you back for a week.

They don't even want your money, that's your 35 year old entitled guy. Turning down probably 300-400 bucks, he'll call back Monday or Tuesday, but it's fixed. Every generation sucks. The world is broken. The state is left to try and figure out how to keep paying back the people whos money they took to pay a pension they promised but instead paid bums and immigrants SSI with, but like I said theires trillions to tax from jews and others elites so we have time until we're dead. Well I do at least lol. Maybe not you. I can tell you this much my surgeon was white which was a relief, so all hope isn't lost yet.


Nokes hands down has the worse, most harrowing life of anybody in the patverse.

I don’t even find him funny, I just feel a sinking bitter feeling of pity in my stomach when he’s mentioned. I don’t like it.
Now imagine being something that was wedged in that man’s ass. That poor knife…