White supremacist Pat putting up da numbahs on Reddit

Now that pat legally owes thousands of dollars to quasi, they arent sticking it to the trolls. its a win/win. Either he doesnt sell any books and we laugh or what he does make should be legally going to quasi at some point and we laugh.
I think that's a fact that needs to be pounded into Pat's fat skull. That every cent made off a book sale from now until his debt is paid off belongs to Quasi. You know he fucking loves it whenever someone says they're going to buy some of his stupid horse shit. Would love to see that go the way of his blue checkmark and daughter. Gone.


What would you do for a Klondike bar?
I like how Pat doesn't offer any proof that it's his work; just orders them to go to his Twitter and do their own research.

You were very lucky they were good-natured enough to listen, Pat; not like that mean old judge in the Nadolski case....


Monkey HOUSE
I saw one dumb faggot in there say they were going to buy Pat's book since he got trolled. Nice wasting your money on a shitty book, stupid. I'd fucking love to know how many dipshits bought one of his awful books just to spite us and then halfway thru realized they made a mistake and Pat writes fan fiction tier dreck like a fat faggot with bitch tits.
One of the people defending him in the hell thread bought it and started reading it and said so far its not good. It was the same day Pat tweeted about throwing paint balloons at tanks so the guy was regretting his purchase.