Where we at (wtf) is da jan 6 committee/ trump indictment?



This is all piggie and the troons on twitter talk about and I honestly have no idea what it’s for.
is it all just a charade to keep the hegelian dialect going?

like what is this dumb nigger govt servant bitch going to do. Put trump in jail?

And isn’t the jan 6 committee a bunch of retards like eric “chink spy fucker” swallwell and random old niggers?





This is all piggie and the troons on twitter talk about and I honestly have no idea what it’s for.
is it all just a charade to keep the hegelian dialect going?

like what is this dumb nigger govt servant bitch going to do. Put trump in jail?

And isn’t the jan 6 committee a bunch of retards like eric “chink spy fucker” swallwell and random old niggers?

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This moron (Letitia James), as NYC's Public Advocate, thought it'd be a good idea to use taxpayer money to go after Korean nail salons.

Never mind the public health crisis of feral bantus shooting up innocent bystanders during drive-bys or psychotic homeless 'gros pushing random people onto the subway tracks.


Which way?! Medium or well done?
Can't have an immigrant group who only turned up in America 40 years ago being successful small business owners. Might make certain other "communities" look bad.
Wait until you learn that their kids are typically 100% fluent at a native level in both Korean and Queen's English and are also literally in medical school
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I do get this inkling that the goose is cooked for Trump. He will play "heel" role all 2022. Alex Jones and everyone else are 'turning' on him in real time.

Its all kayfabe anyway.

Harry's Manly Calvester

Wetting Zoomers since 2023
This moron (Letitia James), as NYC's Public Advocate, thought it'd be a good idea to use taxpayer money to go after Korean nail salons.

Never mind the public health crisis of feral bantus shooting up innocent bystanders during drive-bys or psychotic homeless 'gros pushing random people onto the subway tracks.
She the chair breaker that got turned away?


medium wyzzz


His fanfags are butthurt assholes. Just except that he lost; that's how democracy works you retards. And Trump ABSOLUTELY did something to insite the riots; there's no way he can backpeddle on that.
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except that he lost... Amd Trump ABSOLUTELY did something to insite the riots

Big Wyyyyyyyyz, can't spell for shit, Big Wyyyyyyyyyyz.

Sherioushly though folkshhhh....

Calling them riots or an insurrection is giving it waaaaay too much credit. Instead of pearl-clutching like the sissy faggots they are, the Democrats should be making fun of how Jan. 6th amounted to little more than the typical display of impotent right-wing rage. Framing it like that while throwing Trump in jail would have been hilarious.
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