Where we at with the UFC 272?

All in wit da Colby Covington. They're both annoying shit talkers but Masvidal more so. Saw them on SportsCenter and Masvidal immediately started dropping F bombs and saying "I'm going to beat the shit out of you." It was fucking embarrassing.

Punished Dan Mullen

Calamari Ring Leader
All in wit da Colby Covington. They're both annoying shit talkers but Masvidal more so. Saw them on SportsCenter and Masvidal immediately started dropping F bombs and saying "I'm going to beat the shit out of you." It was fucking embarrassing.
ben asscream waited too long to get in the UFC man, he couldve had his hug fest with that canadian werido


This Bryce Mitchell guy in the next fight kinda looks like Simple Jack...
