Where we at with the Saints Row reboot?


This is one of their promotional descriptions about the game:

Fire Guns. LOTS of Guns – Shoot revolvers from the hip, fire and forget with a rocket launcher, or obliterate up close using melee heavyweights, complete with brutal takedowns. A vast variety of familiar and exotic weapons, all customizable, and all deadly fun.

Wow you can fire guns? Truly revolutionary gameplay!
All these games seem the same nowadays.

It's like they use this tried and tested formula they know works a churn a new one every few years. Same with movies. I guess they cost so much money to produce these days, noone is willing to take risks on making something different

Jim Norton’s Wife's Cock

Those breeches will stay open!
The first one was pretty good, the story was fucking stupid but it was fun to sit back and waste a few hours on, the second one was okay. I didn't bother with them after that.


Holding hands in a circle of N-words
it looks so gay, remind me of a game called sunset overdrive where every line is a zinger, very annoying shit
To be fair, every Saints Row game has been written like this, not just this current one.

The second one was probably the most fun, but even at its best, Saints Row was just GTA with janky mods.


They already tested the waters with some political nonsense in Red Dead 2 if I remember right. At this point it's not if just when. They already said when they remake 3, VC and San Andreas they are going to make adjustments to them for the current year.
As long as it's not TOO bad I'd still play it. Fuck I remember staying home from school/work when GTA3 came out and playing it for like a week straight. Shit was insane.


Me personally I just remember playing the first Saints Row on 360. Only reason why it was popular was because people needed something like GTA but GTA 4 wasn't out for some time. I remember even thinking back then that the game was created by a bunch of white people. The game had no "swag" to it's gangster element.


don't call me scarface
Me personally I just remember playing the first Saints Row on 360. Only reason why it was popular was because people needed something like GTA but GTA 4 wasn't out for some time. I remember even thinking back then that the game was created by a bunch of white people. The game had no "swag" to it's gangster element.
+ keith david as julius, loved the first one
I liked 3+4 even though it was the exact same map. They're fun popcorn games that nobody should be taking seriously. I think Red Dead 2 was the last game I bought first day but if people say it's good I'll drop $60 on it in the hopes they'll make more.