Where we at with saying 'axe' instead of 'ask'?


May St. Mel bless you
I legitimately find it fascinating that Negros all over America use that term - South, Oakland, Detroit, St. Louis, Harlem, doesn't matter. They all say "axe". Meanwhile, wypipo can't even decide what to call soft drinks!! 😝😝😝😝


I legitimately find it fascinating that Negros all over America use that term - South, Oakland, Detroit, St. Louis, Harlem, doesn't matter. They all say "axe". Meanwhile, wypipo can't even decide what to call soft drinks!! 😝😝😝😝
You mean you don’t call it soder?


I legitimately find it fascinating that Negros all over America use that term - South, Oakland, Detroit, St. Louis, Harlem, doesn't matter. They all say "axe". Meanwhile, wypipo can't even decide what to call soft drinks!! 😝😝😝😝
It is strange that all over the country white people have local accents while ghetto niggers sound pretty much the same everywhere. I wonder what that’s about?


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
I legitimately find it fascinating that Negros all over America use that term - South, Oakland, Detroit, St. Louis, Harlem, doesn't matter. They all say "axe". Meanwhile, wypipo can't even decide what to call soft drinks!! 😝😝😝😝
Us Southern whites have all agreed that all sodas are to be called Coke.