Where we at with rawdogging?


choke you to sleep, slap you awake
All your mothers let someone cum in them raw Lmao. I was brought by the stork however. Could never be me


I don't sleep with a women until we've had the STD talk. If she's clean there will be no condoms involved.

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
I banged so much low-end skank trash in my 20s without any coverage and the worst I got was a little of that HPV. That only kills pussies, not dicks so why the fuck would I wear a fucking rubber? Not like I was ever gonna ask for a second date.


How does it feel that most of the women you know think it's totally normal to take a pill just so they can safely become raw human cum rags?
They think it's empowering to take something that fucks up their natural cycle and will give them ovarian cysts and other health problems down the road, and then take a bunch of loads from dudes that will forget about them immediately afterwards. Girl power!

Punished Dan Mullen

Calamari Ring Leader
old hookers been telling me not to use one cause it will save them a few cents i guess but man i wanna kms but not over red swollen leaky dick
I wore a condom the first two times I had sex and havent since. Granted, I tend to only fuck around with girls that I know of.
If she really insisted that I wrap it, I would, but that hasnt once happened.
When a girl walks 20 blocks to your place for some dick, she’s too horny to fucking care.


choke you to sleep, slap you awake
Women wear adult diapers because they can't control their runny liquids dripping from their open sores.

Imagine ever respecting a woman.

Dog brains with no ability to consent. Modern bitches make me want to give islamic radicals a greater platform.
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