Where we at with Paul Mooney now RIP in peace?


Still spreading the O&A virus
He is another low class nigger like Bill Cosby. Constantly preaching how he is high culture and classy and respectable and that other blacks are dragging him down with their foul behaviors. Blames everything negative on white people no matter what including his own personal failures. Was one of those insane niggers that preached that every white person in history was a mud like Cleopatra, Alexander the Great, Jesus Christ, and so on. Constantly rode the coattails of other black comedians who had show business connections like Richard Pryor, Eddie Murphy, or Dave Chapelle. But then never helped any upcoming comedians get their breaks on stage.

But he is mostly well known in comedy circles for being a repulsive homosexual faggot. He would prey upon young black comedians and try to get them to do gay acts in exchange for opening for him on stage. He was a known closet case for decades. But it finally came out that he raped Richard Pryor's son and groomed him as a kid. Apparently Richard Pryor's son at his father's funeral had a public breakdown and announced to the people at the funeral that Mooney raped him when he was a child. Imagine at your father's funeral announcing to everyone that his 'friend' raped you as a child.
But it finally came out that he raped Richard Pryor's son and groomed him as a kid. Apparently Richard Pryor's son at his father's funeral had a public breakdown and announced to the people at the funeral that Mooney raped him when he was a child. Imagine at your father's funeral announcing to everyone that his 'friend' raped you as a child.
Maybe he was working out a tight five minutes.