Where we at with everything being so tiresome


Human garbage
Social media has brought a lot of people's fuckery to the forefront, I'm sure lots of this stuff was going on before but at least I didn't hear about it on the Twitter or the Facebook constantly. Back in my day there were men and women, now you have 10 different representations of gender or lack thereof and everyone has to make a big fuckin deal out of it, their pronouns and such

Whatever happened to just keeping things under your hat

Whatever happened to Gary Cooper, the strong, silent type


Ribbed for your pleasure
Get the fuck off any social media unless you're there to fill a hole or troll, my man.

This is the only place I post because I can state obvious facts like niggers will always be a net loss for any white country they get into and that kikes want to destroy everything western civilization has built.


Human garbage

I wasn't implying that I care about social media...I'm just saying in general that social media has exposed a lot of the population to this stuff. It's the downfall of western civilization maaaaan


Glow nigger. Got any of those IPs for me?
Get the fuck off any social media unless you're there to fill a hole or troll, my man.

This is the only place I post because I can state obvious facts like niggers will always be a net loss for any white country they get into and that kikes want to destroy everything western civilization has built.

You mean this wasn't helping the community in some way?


Glow nigger. Got any of those IPs for me?
I'm sure Shaquayle had her animal like reasons for chimpin out.

Hopefully some white kids learned a lesson about what cumias are capable of.

Its Brunswick, so safe to say there's not many white kids.


Ribbed for your pleasure
Gotcha, I was blessed to be born in the Southwest so I dont even see feral nogs unless I go to vegas.

Too many rednecks where I live for any negroid shenanigans from college athletes (only blacks here)