Where we at with Alex Jones?



American hero?

CIA Psy Op?

Bill Hicks?

Carny bamboozling retards with supplements?


Still spreading the O&A virus
Definitely a CIA psychological operation. Came out of literally nowhere right after 9/11. Became the face of the conspiracy theory movement essentially overnight. And then spent the next two decades doing everything he could to ignore the Jews. Never mentions Holocaust Denial despite being a professional conspiracy theorist.

He does look exactly like Bill Hicks. He is also clearly lying about his age. Also a good amount of his friends and associates are former Hicks associates. Including the creepy moment at some award show where Kevin Booth, Bill Hicks' best friend, said something like "Alex Jones is like Bill Hicks resurrected".


Pretty simple to deduce. He was a containment zone for the Qtards before Q came around. Banned everywhere and won't name the Jews. Associates with Paul Joseph Watson and Gavin who both claim they don't think Jews control everything.


Danny Ross is a thin skinned bitch
I think that the dude started off legit, but somewhere he was given a choice to discredit himself, or get Arkansas'd. That's my personal conspiracy theory.

The Bill Hicks theory .... that's solid. Never heard that one before.


I don't think he's CIA, but has obviously been fed disinfo by the CIA unbeknownst to him.


On the Joe Cumia retirement plan.
He told me on the highest authority Trump was selling all the niggers straight to China to be used as slaved for one grand. Not one grand a piece, one grand for all 40 million.

Tony Hinchclit

he cried and said january 6th was the worst day of his life on some faggots show. definitely a (((kosher))) dude.
His wife is literally Jewish.

Some of his antics are funny and I liked the Bohemian Grove infiltration, but Jones is now synonymous with globalist conspiracy theories and refuses to touch Jew stuff so he isn't really helping. I don't know if he's working hand-in-hand with feds, but Alex isn't saying anything particularly useful. This pretense that we're just fighting Chinese communists or an unspecified cult of neo-Babylonian child rapists isn't the full story, and until Alex Jones is willing to have conversations about the real problem in the West, his followers will only be trained into complicate, pussed-out positions.


It died on the vine
He's been around forever with those radio and public access shows. He was the most interesting when he led protests against the Federal Reserve and started bringing up all the money laundering and fake wealth shit.
I remember going to one of those rallies in Dallas to see what it was all about and it was really interesting, like night and day compared to Q followers now. People knew what they were talking about, had legit questions, and were overall more interested in the country as a whole becoming more self-sufficient and not relying on the banks to be our backbone, etc.
There were far too many young kids there for my liking but I met some fine people and got to hold some awesome guns. Anyway...

Some time after the Obama Deception was released he took a weird turn. I feel like the rise of prepper communities and people actually showing that they'd put their money directly into his hands via sponsorships really got into his head. Before, he would never eat "processed food" because it was "made by the globalists to take down the libido and stupefy the consumers", but suddenly he was all about eating Lay's Baked Potato Chips because they were "healthy" and he "had to eat". Then the supplements really started coming into play and it became obvious he was either drinking a whole lot or was on some shit because his head got huge and he became more bombastic.

We would listen to his radio show for some good high fun in college, but it stopped being fun after that, just one long informercial. In short, grifters gonna grift and that's all I see in him now.