Where we at wit da Dave Landau?


Brazil sent me a wife with a dick ☺️
One on hand he’s a pathetically boring unfunny tailcoat swinging posing faggot. who no one should know he’s spineless as he is untalented. He wanted to dox coonskin I believe, if not him then whoever called in to tell him his wife’s fat.

on the other hand he betrayed and broke Nanas heart which made him look more washed up than he already is. that I will always have an appreciation no matter who is doing it.

personally I don’t think he gets near as much hate as he deserves considering how he tries to dox anyone who correctly calls his wife fat. He threatened to call the police on Neil Brennans brother. not to mention he knowingly worked for an alleged pedophile (he has to know about the allegations.) which is disgusting considering the man has children.

so are we going to start giving him the what for?
Or do we leave it alone at the cost of looking like a part of Nanas ball washer faggots.

seeing as we seem to be going back to our roots by laughing at more than just that Patrick guy. I would like your opinions on the matter.

Oh yeah Patrick’s wife left him for his friend who she was likely fucking the entire time.
This forum has passed you by.. sniff. He was actually pretty funny when he sat in for Crowder that one time. He turned us around.
I'll admit there were a couple of funny moments, but mainly because he was scared like bitch, that didn't earn him forgiveness for his transgressions in my book. But I'm fairly ambivalent about him to be completely honest witchya


Brazil sent me a wife with a dick ☺️
You send him any iPads, faggot?
Yeah Andre I sent him 5 iPads.
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