Where the fuck do these faggots get the money?


When I was young and delivered pizzas I was the "new guy" so they purposely only sent me out black neighborhoods because they never tipped and I mean NEVER.

Forgot to add I delivered to one where the total was $19.80 and the nog hands me a $20 and says keep the change. I'm still seething about it years later.
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Holding hands in a circle of N-words
Is this guy a midget? He looks tiny compared to that playset.

Maybe that's where the money is coming from:

When I was young and delivered pizzas I was the "new guy" so they purposely only sent me out black neighborhoods because they never tipped and I mean NEVER.

Forgot to add I delivered to one where the total was $19.80 and the nog hands me a $20 and says keep the change. I'm still seething about it years later.
That nigger entitlement, like you're lucky they're even letting you serve them, and if you aren't being paid enough, that's your fucking problem. For once, THEY'RE in a position of power, and they're not gonna let you forget it, either. It's why they turn a simple purchase at a convenience store into a whole ordeal, where they're haggling over an expired coupon, piling all their shit up on the counter, and dancing to some song on their phone as the line builds and builds behind them. THEY'RE the customer and YOU'RE serving THEM now. They get off on it.

Jews do it too, obviously. I was on a vacation with a Jew once and the guy just turned totally ashen every time I tipped anyone. The stereotype is 100% true.