Where does winning the battle against atalkers fit in?


My name's Henry. And you're here with me now

Will Tate

Oven March
"Can't wait to argue with people about shit I agree with on completely."
Fuckin enough with this bullshit I'm a conservative while supporting every lie item of faggotry the Democrat party shoves down the country's throat shtick, you don't have a fraction of the intelligence needed to pull it off. "Policy arguments," shut the fuck up, you've never advocated for a single thing that wasn't the stance of a mentally-damaged Twitter addict.
He really has to be autistic. Faithfully marching in lock-step with the far-left agenda isn't the mark of a conservative disillusioned by the MAGA movement, you simpleton pig. But then we all know that isn't the real reason you want to emulate and get in the good graces of the likes of Rick Wilson, now don't we.
Porcine idiot. Fat, too.


"Can't wait to argue with people about shit I agree with on completely."
Fuckin enough with this bullshit I'm a conservative while supporting every lie item of faggotry the Democrat party shoves down the country's throat shtick, you don't have a fraction of the intelligence needed to pull it off. "Policy arguments," shut the fuck up, you've never advocated for a single thing that wasn't the stance of a mentally-damaged Twitter addict.
He really has to be autistic. Faithfully marching in lock-step with the far-left agenda isn't the mark of a conservative disillusioned by the MAGA movement, you simpleton pig. But then we all know that isn't the real reason you want to emulate and get in the good graces of the likes of Rick Wilson, now don't we.
Porcine idiot. Fat, too.
I was so hoping somebody got this one rolling. I also like how he throws in fighting euphemisms. Tough guy Pat arguing whether cock removal on mentally ill men that think they're women should be covered at 105% or the 100% most lefties think. Or whether racism should be a death penalty offense not life in prison.

Will Tate

Oven March
I was so hoping somebody got this one rolling. I also like how he throws in fighting euphemisms. Tough guy Pat arguing whether cock removal on mentally ill men that think they're women should be covered at 105% or the 100% most lefties think. Or whether racism should be a death penalty offense not life in prison.
He doesn't have the slightest grasp of the Overton window, which is ironic consider it was named after him.
Anyone who doesn't car-crash this post is a faggot.

SFWA liaison

Heidi Hildeman customer
he thinks "nazis" are worse now than ever before in his lifetime? this is so idiotic

there has never been more tolerance, representation and power for niggers, spics, chinks, faggots, trannies and women in ANY political space of ANY ideological leaning

Patrick was an in his thirties when the maisntream DEMOCRAT position was that trannies are an abomination, or arabs could be incarcerated indefinitely without being accused of any crime in the name of national security. Was this the time this 1.2 high school GPA unemployed drunk could spare the time to "talk policy"?