when will the race war start?

Carl Winslow

I'm not a Fed
I'm hoping soon. Like really fucking soon. Whites are getting more and more pushed out of their land and it's fucking annoying. Within recent years, I think college has been exposed as a fucking joke. Love listening to people I know that are college educated tell me that blacks are not really racist (some even say they can't be!) they just like to self segregate, so they feel safer.

I would to be part of a group that openly would fight the jews or the negros... Just knock them down a peg or two. If some libtard whites get some shrapnel... lol oh well.

Jesus, could you picture how great life would be with out the negro being so fucking loud.


I dont even want a race war, I just want free speech and 2nd amendment (non existent here) to not disappear in the US.

Imagine companies not forced to make affirmative action hires. That alone will segregate immensely

I don't like thinking about militia forming...Policies like redlining etc exist that would make Niggerdom difficult to operate, and it will disappear on its own via course of nature/social darwinism...the best of them will be nannies etc at our homes and then the rest can scurry off with their Arthritic gang signs back to Liberia.