What's the longest you've gone without uttering a single word to another person?


The Backbone of America
I don't really know. Probably around 4 or 5 days for me too. I'm actually kind of stoic around most people but I talk to myself constantly when I'm by alone though and usually end up breaking into some nonsense song in a falsetto voice. I've been caught doing that which is super embarrassing. Especially because if someone catches you doing that, they will watch you for as long as they can without getting your attention. I can go a while without seeing people as long as I know the option to see them is there. It'd be a bummer if I didn't interact with anyone because I just had nobody to interact with.

Mr. Faggotry

The world’s expert on faggotry
I’m a parent, I find myself singing Cocomelon and Pink Fong lyrics throughout the day to children and adults. Someone kill me.
I've gone weeks without a meaningful interaction beyond asking a cashier for smokes. I have a much easier time talking to complete strangers than anyone I actually know. Guess I should be glad for the mental hospital program I'm kind of stuck in for the next few weeks.


Most of my interactions is just mind numbing meaningless small talk with colleagues. The most i’ve gone without speaking to anyone is maybe 3 or 4 days when i’m just brooding maaaaan.


Most of my interactions is just mind numbing meaningless small talk with colleagues. The most i’ve gone without speaking to anyone is maybe 3 or 4 days when i’m just brooding maaaaan.
People often consider me rude because I hate small talk. A couple days ago, I was talking to a friend, and this other guy comes up and says "So how you boys liking this heat?" and all I could do was


4 days for me.

I know I can go longer....
A second? My OCD is a constant voice in my head. The ultimate and only worthy Pest, says this half Irish asshole

[URL unfurl="true"]https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/09bf302d-ce19-4102-864d-2d17555e488f/gif[/URL]
People often consider me rude because I hate small talk. A couple days ago, I was talking to a friend, and this other guy comes up and says "So how you boys liking this heat?" and all I could do was

Since everyone else is on vacation I've been alone at work with this guy who just won't fucking shut up. I just want to do my job and go home, but he keeps talking and talking and talking, as Kramer would say. I try to stare into the computer screen to hint that I'm busy, and sometimes I even fake type on my keyboard when I see him coming over. He doesn't take the hint that I can't stand him.