What's the fucking deal with nambla?



So it was/is an actual group advocating for the right to fuck boys? And it was actually real, not some gay meme like the proud boys that got out of control?

And grown men actually attended rallies to talk about fucking boys? The fuck? How were they not arrested or beaten?

Someone explain this shit!


So it was/is an actual group advocating for the right to fuck boys? And it was actually real, not some gay meme like the proud boys that got out of control?

And grown men actually attended rallies to talk about fucking boys? The fuck? How were they not arrested or beaten?

Someone explain this shit!
These predators are everywhere. So many in fact that they can close ranks and defend themselves against criticism. They’re impulsive animals and the SFWA is filled with them so of course Tomlinson is a SFWA member.

Serious Business

Hooli's for me forever, sta‎lker. Never for you.
They were real pedophiles who tried to latch on to the gay rights movement when it was first picking up steam. Some of the loonier fucks in the gay rights movement were cool with it, normie fags and society at large weren't so they got chased off then just started doing their own thing.

Say “Cookie”

ShutYourCakehorn/gassers Alt
These sickos are everything that you mentioned and more.

The creep with the accent, Renato Corazza, was the person on the voicemails that Stern would play. He has thankfully been dead for twenty years. Nambla are still around and they are still trying to normalize pedophilia. The former heads of NAMBLA are the people behind the term “MAPS”, created to whitewash child rape to make it more palatable for LGBTQ acceptance.


The ONLY station that REALLY ROCKS!
Great guys. Nothing but nice things to say about them.


What happened to the good old days when they knew they were sickos and kept themselves cut off from temptation in a monastery?


By no means an expert on it, but they've popped up when looking into fringe topics. They're definitely a real organization. I think they got a little too cocky with the whole 60's "free love/do your own thing, MAAAN" spirit and were too open about their disgusting agenda, to the point where the other homo activists got uncomfortable and (eventually) banned them from their pride parades. You had degenerate creeps like beatnik "poet" Allen Ginsberg, former SFWA Grandmaster and convicted kid toucher Walter Breen and homo communist/occultist Harry Hay (who is still considered an icon of the gay rights movement) that were all members. Although the media does it's best to downplay it, there's undoubtedly an affinity for underage boys among many prominent members of the gay rights movement. Their telling of the Stonewall Riots tries to cover up the fact that the mob was running these gay bars and the underage sex trafficking that was going on there too. Or that Sean Penn movie about Harvey Milk that tries to act like his affection for teenage runaways was supposed to be heartwarming instead of predatory and sick. Or how about Michel Foucalt's molestation of young boys in Tunisia? (Probably Nana's origin story.) The list is endless.